Tuesday 25 June 2013

A Cup of Gratefulness

When faced with the words "we've found a cyst in your body" your heart jumps into your throat. If those words are followed by "we've found several cysts in several, different internal organs" your heart and kidneys and stomach jump to your throat. You feel dizzy, faint, and nausea takes hold. You fear the worst. You lie in bed unable to go to sleep, or with a heavy feeling in the chest, or with a lump in the throat. You are scared and it is so difficult to stay positive when you are scared.

That's when your friends step in, when your family shows up, when G-d shines rays of light in the shape of blessings. That's when your partner draws closer to you, hoping he'll chase away the darkness. Without these beautiful people, you'd sink into a deep, horribly dark hole and you'd find yourself looking up, not knowing how to get out. 

I am grateful to every single person that's taken the time to speak to me, to write to me, to hug me, to buy coffee for me, and to laugh with me. I know we are all busy. I know we are all bogged down with difficulties, financial hardships, and problems. That's what makes it ever more special when people like you put their problems on hold for just a second and take the time to see me or talk to me, to help me smile again. I am very, very grateful. 

I know, my friends, that G-d will repay your kindness one way or another. I hope he uses me in His methodology. I can't ever drink alcohol again, but I shall always be raising a delicious pint of cider in your name!