Wednesday 3 July 2013

Free Us From False Pride: A Prayer

When my Mother was dying a few years ago, I discovered "Libranos de Falso Orgullo," a song by Tony Croatto. Turns out Mom didn't play all of the songs in his records, so I've discovered a few, amazing songs years after I first began to listen to his music. It's been a good feeling, finding new lyrics and new melodies. This one stuck out to me, particularly during the period when I drove to and from work, hoping she would survive, but knowing she was leaving me. Certain parts of the song make me cry because of the pitch of the voice or the instruments, or simply because of the words. There are a few songs that cause this type of reaction in me, and they are not all romantic or sad songs. I can't explain it, but certain notes and certain musical phrases make me cry.

I really like the message behind the song: that human beings can become consumed by arrogance, egoism and pride. They can forget that G-d is the master and that He is the one Who gives us the talents and opportunities we encounter. Also, when we receive great talents and gifts, we can easily start to think we are better than everyone else, or that we do not need anyone else to help us, or worse -- that we got to fame and glory all on our own. This is the "falso orgullo" [false pride] that Croatto speaks about. Caught in excitement and in fame, people can forget to thank G-d for all He's given us, and to remain still in a moment of silence and enjoy the fruits of our hard work.

As I prepare for this Saturday's event, "Noches de Candela," I wish to share this song, here translated into English, as a form of prayer. I wish to thank G-d for the gifts of music, creativity, perseverance, and courage. I also wish to thank the many people who have helped me make this event, my first mini-concert as a soloist, a reality. Each one of you helped out in your own, unique manner. I hope I never get caught in arrogance and pride, and that I never forget that I wouldn't be anything without my family, my spouse, my friends, my creative peers, and without G-d. If you would like to listen to the song, let me know. I am happy to send you a music file so you may enjoy Tony Croatto's music.

Free Us From False Pride

If along his journey, man only searches for himself,
caught in arrogance and egoism,
he can only head towards darkness.
He cannot recognize the other, beautiful voices inside of himself:
the ones that break into his spirit and into his soul
and help him understand, in a moment of calmness,
that he owns his owns errors.

I am the painter’s brush.
I am the hammer of the carpenter.
I am the yeast used by the bread maker
and the tools of the sculptor,
but You, Lord, are the artist
that creates a flower out of a bud,
the ocean from a wave.
The One Who creates flour from wheat.
I tell you humbly, my Lord,
those fruits belong to You.

The splendor of power and riches is so alluring.
It is a pleasure that can generate pain.
But inside of me an emotion is born
like the light of a firefly,
a intermittent whispering of peace and tranquility.
Through Your greatness, Lord, free me from false pride.

Those who finish last will be the winners.
Serving brings freedom.
Silence is kindness
and loving you, G-d, means becoming lost in You.

I am eager to enjoy the flowers in Your garden,
like the king of the shepherds.
Lord, please, bless me.
Keep me away from the temptation
of craving honor and glory.

Our mistakes belong to us.
The fruits of our talents and labour are yours, Lord.
Free us from the false pride
that makes us crave honour and glory.

My fruits are Yours, Lord.

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