Friday 10 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day !

Mother's Day. After one looses one's mother, Mother's Day can quite easily become a day full of sadness. So many other people's mothers are receiving gifts, being taken out for dinner, or showered with breakfast in bed. You can't help but want to give your own mother such attention.However, your mother is gone. She is with G-d, and no matter how many times you remind yourself that all that is gone is her physical body, you can't shake away the thought that that's the very thing you want on this day, her physical presence. The rest you know is always with you. Yes, you miss your mother so badly every day of the year, but on Mother's Day, every second you miss her becomes ten thousand more.

Today, two years after the passing of my mother, I remember and celebrate her. You see, I'm one of the lucky ones. My mother was excellent. She truly lived up to the word 'mother.' Through her example, she taught me so many things. Some of them things I am only coming to understand now. 
She loved her husband, my father, dearly. She loved him so much that, sometimes, her own wishes and desires would be put on hold so he would be happy. She gave the same love to her children. Often, she would sacrifice time, money, and her needs so that her family would smile. I know not every mother out there is like that. She taught me that true love is accompanied by a great degree of selflessness and devotion. That love is not easy and often requires gargantuan amounts of patience and forgiveness.

I can only hope I become that kind of mother.

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